Student A: You forgot a friend's birthday. - Student B: You're a friend. You're not mad., Student A: You lost your dad's book. - Student B: You're dad. You're annoyed., Student A: You spilled coffee on classmate's homework. - Student B: You are a classmate. You feel fine. , Student A: You tripped and broke your friend's science project. - Student B: You're annoyed. But you're not very mad., Student A: You accidentally hit your friend with a ball during a game. - Student B: You are laughing., Student A: You borrowed a friend’s new phone and lost it. - Student B: You are a friend. You are really mad., Student A: Your mum was cooking and asked you to look at the food for 5 minutes, but you forgot and burned it. - Student B: You're a mum. You're annoyed but not really mad., Student A: You scared your friend just for fun. - Student B: You are a friend. You're scared but you're fine.,

Wider Wold 2 U 3.6 Make dialogues

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