the little ball, a green pencil, put a pencil in the car, a red apple, the boy and a girl, a yellow airplane, a little horse, a ball in a box, the green fish is little, a boy and a girl in the car, a green apple and a yellow horse, Put a spoon in the water., My apple is red., Put a fish in a box., a boy and a ball, I see a boy with a chicken., I put a ball in the car, See the chicken., See the girl with the apple., a little yellow chicken, The airplane is green., The little car is green, I put the apple in a box., Is the horse big?, Put the chickens in a box., See the girl with a spoon., The little apple is green., See the girls with the apples., Put the box in the car., I see a big boy in the airplane., Put the spoons in the box., I see a girl., Is the apple yellow?, See the little chickens., My pencil is in the car., Put a box in the airplane., Is the little pencil red?, A boy and girl see the cars., The horse is big. The chicken is little., The boy put the box in the car., Put the banana with the apple..

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