Gateway b2
Examples from our community
2,355 results for 'gateway b2'
Gateway B2 2nd Edition Unit 5 vocabulary Money Matters
Speaking cards
Past Modals Wheel: obligation, prohibition and advice
Spin the wheel
Elementary - Past Simple Conversation Questions
Spin the wheel
Conditionals Conversation Questions
Speaking cards
Conversation questions about music
Open the box
Questions about life
Spin the wheel
Conversation - general topics
Speaking cards
"I owe you one" and other informal expressions
Win or lose quiz
Let's talk about life?
Open the box
Smart Questions 2 - B2/C1/C2
Spin the wheel
Speaking with phrasal verbs
Speaking cards
Spin the wheel
Compare the topics
Speaking cards
Rethinking your mindset
Spin the wheel
Talking about life - teenagers
Spin the wheel
Talking about life B2-C1
Speaking cards
Idioms for emotions
Match up
Business & Working Conditions
Spin the wheel
Regrets - Discussion Questions
Speaking cards
Let's talk about business and work
Spin the wheel
Talking about books
Spin the wheel
Comparative conversation questions
Speaking cards
Have you ever ... ?
Speaking cards
AEF1 U3B Vocabulary 'Jobs'
Present simple x Present continuous
Match up
Talking about the past
Spin the wheel
Business - conversation starters
Spin the wheel
Complete the sentence
Debate (B2/C1)
Open the box
Who am I?
Image quiz
'Going to' for future plans
Open the box
Open the box
Define it using a relative pronoun
Speaking cards
Work collocations
Countries and Nationalities
Gameshow quiz
Smart questions 1
Open the box
Would you like to...?
Spin the wheel
Talking about life: middle age
Speaking cards
Phrasal verbs
Match up
Let's talk about entertainment
Speaking cards
Funny definitions
Spin the wheel
Complete the sentence
Second Conditional - Speaking Activity (B1-B2)
Spin the wheel
Spin the wheel
Decision making vocabulary
Match up