completely new, especially not yet used: - Brand new, to copy or move programs or information into a computer's memory, especially from the internet or a larger computer - download, developing or changing very quickly: - fast-moving, the activity of putting a file from your computer onto a special place on your computer so that other people can copy it, or look at it using the internet - file-sharing, a place, usually in an open area, where things are sold; a market - marketplace, a person who writes the music and words of songs - songwriter, the sounds, especially the music, of a film, or a separate recording of this: - soundtrack, making you think a lot about a subject: - thought-provoking, the text for a film, including the words to be spoken by the actors and instructions for the cameras: - screenplay, a book or film that is very successful: - blockbuster, the place in a cinema or theatre where tickets are sold: - box office, a disadvantage or the negative part of a situation: - drawback, information or statements of opinion about something, such as a new product, that can tell you if it is successful or liked: - feedback, the number of people who are present for an event: - turnout, a result or effect of an action, situation, etc.: - outcome, a book that is so exciting that you want to read it quickly: - page-turner,

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