1) I have been studying English for ___. a) two hours. b) yesterday. c) last week. 2) She has been working on the project ___. a) right now b) all day. c) next month. 3) We have been playing tennis since ___. a) two weeks ago. b) this morning. c) yesterday. 4) They have been watching movies for ___. a) minutes. b) days. c) hours. 5) He has been practicing the guitar ___. a) in the past. b) recently. c) next year. 6) The team has been training hard ___. a) this season. b) last month. c) next game. 7) Jenny has been learning French ___. a) just now. b) for a long time. c) next semester. 8) We have been waiting for the bus ___. a) in the evening. b) next week. c) since 9 a.m. 9) They have been studying for their exams ___. a) yesterday. b) all week. c) next month. 10) Sarah has been cooking dinner ___. a) in the kitchen.  b) at the restroom. c) when you called her.

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