1) Who is the owner? a) Elliotazai b) BumBum c) Niodr d) MrChimpo e) Yates f) jinkz 2) Are you in the Discord server? a) Yes b) yeh (sarcasm) c) No d) Yes and I'll stay e) No, but I'll join it f) No and I'll never join it 3) how many levels are there in horror mode? (may 15 2024) a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) 5 f) 6 4) what two people are co owners? a) Yates and Niodr b) Niodr and jinkz c) Elliotazai and Yates d) Elliotazai and jinkz e) Niodr and Elliotazai f) Yates and jinkz 5) Would you glitch out the map? a) yes b) idk c) no d) Im shy to answer this e) maybe f) it's ok I'm a mod

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